Tuesday, February 24, 2009

36 wks 5 days

Went to my weekly appt again this week. Still no babies!! Everything is going fine. My C-section is scheduled for March 5th at 10:30am. I could go before but I seriously doubt I will. I haven't been feeling very good today but the Dr. said to just take it easy. The longer they are in me the better off they will be with feeding. I tried to get him to take them sooner, but he didn't go for it.

My wonderful Sister-in-Law is coming down next Thursday to help me! I am so greateful! My mom and Tim are allowed in the OR with me (that should be interesting). I am planning on going home Sunday and then Tim will be off until Wednesday of that week just so I can get a little help with the babies. After that Sarah will go to school Wednesday and Thursday and then my mom is off on Friday-Monday to help me. And I am sure I will have some dirty toilets for her to clean!! :-)

Sarah is getting excited for the babies to come. I think she is a little un-sure about what is really going to happen. She asked me the other day if I will still be her mommy when the babies come. I said of course, I will always be your mommy. The things their little brains think of. I beleive she will spend the night at my IN-Laws the day the babies come. That way Tim can stay at the hospital late and try to get a good nights sleep that night. Since my SIL will be around, Sarah will love that!! Next week is going to be a busy one. But it can't come soon enough!!

If anythng happens before then, we will update the blog.

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