Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 Weeks!

Nicholas and Vanessa are 4 weeks old today! I cannot beleive how the time has flown by! They are both doing quite well. They went for weight checks last week and they are doing fabulous. Vanessa was 5 pounds 3 ounces and she is now 5 pounds 13 ounces! Nicholas was 6 pounds 7 ounces and he is now 7 pounds! The dr. is happy with their progress. They go back on April 2nd for their 4 week physical and the second round of the Hepatitus B shot. That is all from here.

Sarah feeding Vanessa, Such a little mother!

Sarah and the twins at 4 weeks

Nicholas and Vanessa at 4 weeks old!

Monday, March 16, 2009

And a Few More

Sarah sliding

Nicholas swinging

Vanessa bright-eyed

Some Pics

Nicholas getting a bath.

Vanessa Sleeping in the swing

Laying together.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weight Check

Well we went to the dr. yesterday for the weight check. After 7 days they still are not what they should be. Vanessa is 5 pounds 3 1/2 ozs. That is 2 1/2 ozs up in 7 days. Nicholas is 6 pounds 7 1/2 ozs. That is 6 1/2 ozs up in 7 days. The dr. wants them to gain a half oz at the min a day. But a whole oz a day would be better. He said to feed them more. I was feeding them 2 ozs every 3 hours. He said to do 3 ozs every 2 hours. Well we tried that yesterday and they were so full they did not want to eat. So I am feeding them every 3 hours, whatever they will take. At midnight Nicholas took 4 ozs! So he was good for 4 hours. I do not wake them anymore at night. They seem to wake on their own now. We go back next Friday again.

I am excited for today, even though I am exhausted from Vanessa being up all night last night! Sarah and I are going to Grammy and Poppa's (Tim's parents) today for the day. Bob, Leah, and the boys will be there. I will get a ton of help and the boys will keep Sarah occupied. Should be a fun day. I am bringing my camera, so hopefully there will be pictures. I am so bad at taking pictures these days.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We May Be Getting The Hang of Things

Looks like Vanessa has finally learned how to eat. She did great yesterday and last night. Got her to eat 2 oz at a time, which is perfect. Nicholas is doing great as well. He is hungry right on schedule, every 2 1/2 - 3 hrs. Both babies are good babies so far. Yesterday was our first day home alone, with no help. It was only for a few hours in the morning, but we were still alone. We did quite well. Of course both babies got fussy at the same time, but I handeled it. I just had to listen to one cry while the other got fed first. Today Tim's mom will come over after she gets off work to help me a little. I am hoping to get a nap in while she is here.

Sarah has school today, so Tim will take her before he goes to work. I think she would rather be at school than home with me, but I really don't blame her. It is boring just sitting around watching me feed and change diapers all day long!

Thank you all for checking to see if we are okay. We are getting there.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Twins are 10 Days Old!

I know, I have not been a very good poster lately. Pur lives have been turned upside down ever since the twins were born! So it has been 10 days sine they arrived. Let me ee if I can break it down as to what has been happening. Everything went great in the hospital. It was so great to have the nurses there to help me. After having a C-Section, it is really hard to move quickly! I had the best nurses! We came hom on Sunday, March 1st. My parents and Tim's parents came over to help us get settled. That was really nice! Lynn and Ronny did some gardening for us and my dad put together the cradle and my mom helped me wash some things. My mom and Lynn helped me in the baby's nursery to get organized and they changed our bed. Always nice to have clean sheets. They did all this while holding babies too.

The next few days, it was just the 5 of us at home. It went pretty good. Tim was able to be off for a few more days so he helped around the house while I cared for the babies. We took them to their first Dr. appt. on Wednesday. Everything looked good except for their weights. Their discharge weights were lower than the usual 10%, so that was not good. When we went to the Dr. Vanessa weighed 4 pounds 15 ounces and Nicholas weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce. Dr. was not happy about this. So we had to go back Friday. Yesterday my mom took us all to the Dr. to check their weight. Vanessa weighed 5 pounds 1/2 ounce and Nicholas weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces. So the each gained. They should be gaining about an ounce a day. We are having the hardest time feeding Vanessa. We have to undress her and feed her naked. Plus I use a washcloth to wake her up and the lights need to be on in the room. It is quite an ordeal. We have tried changing the bottles and nipples. Tried different flows of nipples, used a medicine dropper to feed her like a bird. It is so frustrating at night! Last night was awful. She didn't eat hardley anything except 1/2 ounce. She should be taking 2 ounces every two hours. We may be taking her back to the dr. today. She has to eat!

Sarah is doing quite well. She is a very good helper. She is being very patient too for a 4 year old. She sleeps through all the commotion at night too! She still goes to school Tuesday and Thursdays. Which is a life saver for both of us! It has got to be so hard for her having two new babies in the house.

I will try to be better at updating the website. I will even put pictures on it soon.