Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have made it through my first trimester, FINALLY! I am starting to feel better. I have more energy and I am able to stay up past 8 at night! I had to go to the Dr. last Thursday for cramping, but me and the babies are just fine. It is probably ligament pain I am feeling, but they did an u/s just to be sure. I need to stay off my feet as much as possible, but I can still work for now. Both babies were moving like crazy and i could not feel a thing! We will find out the sexes on October 7th, so check back to see what the results are.

Last Friday I felt the baby(ies) move for the first time. The Dr. had said I may feel them a little earlier than most because there is twice as much in there. It was just a little flutter, but definatly not gas! It was right below my stomach and if I paid attention the baby(ies) would stop moving. I have felt a little here and there but definatly not distinctive enough to tell which one it is or if it was both.

Sarah is doing well. She has been a little sick with a stomach virus of some sort. Just not herself, but on the mend. She goes to see her pediatrician on October 3rd for her 4 year check. We are a little late this year because her Dr. all of a sudden got extremly busy! (Doesn't he know who we are?!) She will have her check-up and shot(s) by the time she starts preschool on the 6th. I also get to tell her Dr. that he will have two more patients! I cannot wait to see the look on his face!

I have recent u/s pictures that we will post tonight. So check back.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

12 wks3days

We went to see our two OB's yesterday. First we went to see the high risk OB, Dr. Jadali. He is very nice. His staff is super nice. They did an internal u/s first. She measured everything, head, arms, legs, etc. She is not 100% sure that the twins are fraternal. There is a membrane that sperates them and I guess by looking at that you can tell what they are. But we won't be sure until we find out the sexes and then if they are the same sex they will test their blood. Identical twins do have the same blood type. It was too early to see what sex they are, but both heartrates were 174. When I was pregnant with Sarah I read that the higher the heartrate the chances are it is a girl. But you never know until the babies come out. But my guess is 2 girls. Then she did the ultrasound on my belly and took more measurments. Then Dr. J came in and did a 3D ultrasound, which was so cool! You can see both babies in the picture. He said everything looked great and we will see him in a month.

Then we went across the hall to see Dr. G, my OB. He asked me what have I done and then laughed. We did get an ultrasound there too. Not nearly as cool as Dr. Jadali's machine though! Dr. G. says everything looks fine for now. He is sending me to get some blood tests done. He will not measure my belly this time. Last time he measured my belly and what ever the number was, that was supoosed to coincide with your weeks, well it never did of course. Anyway, he can't do that measurment because there are two babies and he would not get an accurate number. So I will get much more ultrasounds than normal and I will see him more often. I go back in a month and I think when I am 20 weeks, i will start seeing him every other week. He says I could very well go to 38 weeks, yeah I don't think so! He said to take it easy and eat well. I will give it a shot! We go back October 7th (our anniversary!).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tim Gets a Promotion!

Not sure if everyone knows, but Tim has been working two jobs for about 4 months now. He has always wanted to work at Costco, but they only hire part time, pushing carts. Well who can afford to work part time and raise a family? Well, not us! Anyway, he decided to just try it with two jobs and see what happens. Well he has worked there for his 90 day probation and after that you can apply for other job openings. So he applied for a full-time cashier. God knows he has enough experience! Well he got it! He starts in 2 weeks, hopefully after training. We are so proud of him! He will work at Costco full time now. Not sure what is going on with Longs but he will have to have a second job to supplement his income for now.

We have our OB appt tomorrow. I am excited, yet nervous at the same time. I am sure all will go well. We will keep you posted.

My brother and his fiance, Heather, get the keys to their new house in a week! They have had a long escrow and it is finally coming to an end! yeah! Can't wait to see what the inside of thehouse looks like!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We Graduated!

Today was me and the babies last appoitment with Dr. B. I am sad because I LOVE HIM! But like he said, we can always come back a fourth kid. Dr. B I think you want me to go insane! Anyway, everything looks ggod. I am 11wks5d pregnant, so just about 12 weeks. He took me off all the hormones. I am VERY happy about that. He said I should start feeling like myself in a few days. I cannot wait! The babies are measuring good and he saw both hearts beating, so that is always a good sign. They took my blood one last time and I was off.

Tuesday I go to see my regualr OB, Dr. Gorelick and my high risk OB Dr. Jadali. I am excited but at the same time nervous. Hopefully both will be good appoitments.

Everything else is going good at home. We had a very uneventful Labor Day weekend. We literaly did nothing. But it was very nice to have no plans.