Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weight Check

Well we went to the dr. yesterday for the weight check. After 7 days they still are not what they should be. Vanessa is 5 pounds 3 1/2 ozs. That is 2 1/2 ozs up in 7 days. Nicholas is 6 pounds 7 1/2 ozs. That is 6 1/2 ozs up in 7 days. The dr. wants them to gain a half oz at the min a day. But a whole oz a day would be better. He said to feed them more. I was feeding them 2 ozs every 3 hours. He said to do 3 ozs every 2 hours. Well we tried that yesterday and they were so full they did not want to eat. So I am feeding them every 3 hours, whatever they will take. At midnight Nicholas took 4 ozs! So he was good for 4 hours. I do not wake them anymore at night. They seem to wake on their own now. We go back next Friday again.

I am excited for today, even though I am exhausted from Vanessa being up all night last night! Sarah and I are going to Grammy and Poppa's (Tim's parents) today for the day. Bob, Leah, and the boys will be there. I will get a ton of help and the boys will keep Sarah occupied. Should be a fun day. I am bringing my camera, so hopefully there will be pictures. I am so bad at taking pictures these days.

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