Friday, October 24, 2008


Girl baby face.

I'm a girl

Hard to tell but this is the girl baby.


I believe this is the face of the boy baby.

I'm a boy

One of ultra sound pics from 10-20-08

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

18 weeks

Sorry I haven't updated with pictures. I am having issues uploading. I will try again today and see what happens.

Anyway, the twins and I went to the high risk OB yesterday. Everything looks good. We are definatly having a boy and a girl. Baby A (boy) is 9 oz and on my right side low. Baby B (girl) is 8 oz and on my left side and is higher. They label the babies A and B, because A is closer to the cervix, but with me having a C-section they take out whatever baby is in the way. I go back to him in 3 weeks. He referred me to a cardiologist because they cannot get good measurements on the girl, so just to be sure I will see her in 3 weeks. I see my regular OB in about 4 weeks. I have been having terrible headaches the last 4 days, so I went to see my OB yesterday since I was there. I thought I had high blood pressure, but that was fine. He said he could give me Vicodan, but I am not too sure I want to take that. You can take an addicting drug but not an over the counter drug. I just don't get it! So we are pretty much half way there. I am anxious to meet the little ones! I am also anxious to be done with this whole thing.

We are hopefully going to start working on the nursery soon. I still have no idea what I want to do with it. I thought I wanted monkeys but now I am thinking I want two different things. So as you can see I am very undecided. We have been going through names as well. We have a few names picked, but with me being so undecided who knows what these kids will be named!

Sarah is doing just fine. We had a great trip to Disneyland over the weekend, which I will update everyone on once I can upload pictures! She is loving school. She has been having some feet problems. She walks pigeon toed, so we took her to the podiatrist and she got some heel lifts in her shoes and they seem to be getting better. Today she received her orthotics which she wears with the heel lifts, so hopefully this will correct the problem. We go back in 6 months. She has a little procedure she has to do next Wednesday at CHLA. Just a test. So I will update that as soon as we know what the deal is.

Well I think that is all for now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Results Are In, Sort Of...

Well we went to the Dr. today. Looks like we are having a girl for sure (Baby A). Baby B looks like a boy. The tech got a glimps of his private's, but then he crossed his legs so they aren't 100% sure. We go back in 2 weeks. Everything else looks good.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Preschool Went Well!

So today was Sarah's first day of preschool. We are taking her to Princeton Preschool right by our house. I dropped her off this morning around 7:45. Suprisingly there were not a lot of kids there yet. Anyway, we found out who her teacher was. Her name is Ms. Julie. She showed us Sarah's classroom and where her cubby would be. Then I said goodbye and of course started crying so I had to leave. They said I could call anytime to check up on her. So of course I called around 10:30 and they said she was doing just fine. I picked her up around 5:15 and right away they knew who I was. I guess there was a dentist that came in to talk to the kids about brushing and flossing. And the cool thing was that it was the dentist office Sarah goes to! Of course Sarah had no idea, but that is cool. All the kids got a bag full of information. Next week I think an eye Doctor is coming to visit. I can't remember when they said they were coming. The teachers said she did very well for her first day. She got along with the kids and listened well. So I think she will do just fine. Of course the first few days will be hard on me, but I promised Sarah I wasn't going to cry again!

Tomorrow I am home with her. Daycare is closed so I took the day off. I am taking her to the podiatrist in the morning for her flat feet. Then we go to the OB's in the afternoon. A day of doctors!


Here ia a picture of Sarah before I took her to school. I will update how her day went tonight.

Friday, October 3, 2008

4 years!

We took Sarah to the Dr. today. She had a good appoitment and is as healthy as can be. She now weighs 34 pounds (45th percentile). She went up on her weight. She had been in the 4th percentile since she was a few months old so this is good. She is 38 1/2 inches tall (25th percentile). She is a little pigeon-toed so the Dr wants me to take her to a podiatrist, she may need orthotics to fix them, so we will see. She got 3 shots (flu, chicken pox, and measles). She only cried after the third and it was more of a "give me attention" cry. Once she got her lollipop and stickers she was good to go. She got 3 band-aids which she was very happy about.

On a funny note- I was filling in the developmental questionaire and there were a few good questions on there that she knew right away how to do it. Some things she had to do was draw a circle, name the colors, hop on one foot, etc. Well one question was "What do you do with a cup?" Her response: Pee in it. This is after I had brought her in the bathroom to pee in the cup for a sample (which she didn;t do). Another questions, "What do you do with a chair?" Her response: Stand on it! I obviously had to answer no on if she got those right. We are so proud!

We also talked about the twins coming. He will be their pediatrician as well so the hospital will leet them know when I deliver. All the nurses are so excited for us! I am sure the Dr is too because he gets two more patients! Julie, our favorite nurse, said the first thing we are going to do is check out their butts! Damn right! :-)

Check back on Tuesday for the results to what the twins are. I will post Tuesday night, I PROMISE!!