Monday, August 18, 2008

9W1D Pregnant

We had an appoitment today. Everything is going great! I get to graduate from Dr. B after the next appoitment in 2 weeks. We saw 2 strong heartbeats. Both babies have grown a lot since the last time. They both have heads and bodies and tiny little buds for arms and legs. "Sac 1" (as he calls it) was moving around quite a bit. Of course I cannot feel it yet. Maybe in about 7 weeks I will be able to. "Sac 2" was just lying there, probably sleeping. I hope that isn't an indication that one baby will be awake while th other is sleeping! How is mommy supposed to sleep!? He refilled my "anti-nausea" medicine again. I think it curves the nausea, but does not take it away! I will get to see my regualr OB, Dr. G, in 3 weeks and Dr. B also wants me to see a high risk O/B.

Sarah is doing good and is excited for the babies to come. But she doesn't ask when they are coming. So that is a releif. She likes to keep the ultrasound pictures next to her bed so she can look at them before going to sleep. It is so cute! We are going to look at preschools next week for Sarah. I am off for a few days so I thought that would be a perfect time to take a look at what is out there. I think it is time for her to go to school. She is pretty advanced though with her letters and numbers. She knows all the sounds of her letters, she can write her name, and she can count backwards from 10. So I think she is on the right track.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

so glad you had a great appointment! Sarah is going to be a great big sister, so cute!