Thursday, July 31, 2008


Since my last post a lot has happened. I am 7 wks 1 day along. And the nausea had hit! It is so bad that the Dr. prescribed me something to curve it. It seems to be bad in the morning and then around 8 at night. So I go to bed at that time. I am eating little meals and eating them slowly. Luckily there is no vomitting but it is still not something I want to have. I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy, since it may be my last, and it is very hard to do that.

I went to the Dr. last week on July 24th and the Dr. saw two sacs! One was bigger than the other and that one was the one with the heartbeat. The other one was right next to it and could still be viable. The Dr. will check me again on Monday. I will post more when i know what is going on.

other than that we are all good. Sarah is taking good care of her mommy when we are home. I have been going to bed at the same time she does so if Tim is coming home late we sleep in our bed and then Tim moves her. She is very good at going to sleep so i don't worry about it. Once the baby comes she won't be able to do that too much, but we will make time to have cuddle time with her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So far so good.....

Well everything is going good so far. I am only 4 weeks along so really how much could happen? I actually don't feel pregnant. But there really are no signs at this stage. I am tired, but I don't think any more than normal. I had heartburn yesterday but could have been what I ate. So who knows. I got my second BETA test, which is the HcG test that measures the pregnancy hormone. My number went from 73 to 324! So that is excellent. I will have my first ultrasound on Friday. We will hopefully be able to see a sac (or two). The Dr. will make sure it is growing like it should. Hopefully in a week or two after that we can see the heartbeat! I cannot wait for that! I will post a picture of the u/s this weekend.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Am Pregnant!

Today we found out that I am pregnant! Here is a picture that Dr. B gave us the day of the transfer. The embryo on the top right s the bad one. That was discarded. The one in the middle is the really good one. It is hatching and ready to latch on to something. Underneath that is the shell from the embryo. Yes we all hatch from an egg. Dr. B uses "Assisted Hatching" when using FET (frozen embryo transfer). What that means is they poke a hole in the embryo to help the process along. The embryo on the left side is an okay embryo. It is just a bit slower at "hatching."

The nurse called me at about 2:30 to tell me the good news. My number was 73 and it needs to be above 20. So that is excellent! I go back on Monday for second test to make sure my numbers are doubling. The number has no indication if I will have multiples or not. According to the computer I would be due March 18th.

I told Sarah I have a baby in my tummy. She is very excited. She already has two names picked out, Pinkey and Fireman. Nice names, huh? Well that is all the news for now. I will write more on Monday.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today was the Day.....

We went in to the office at 2. We sat and talked for a bit about the embryos. Dr. B defrosted 3 embryos. One was really good and ready to grab onto something. One was just okay. Not bad though. One was no good at all. It was almost dead. We went back into the room and I got into position. He used a speculum just like you would getting your annual exam. Then he put in a cathetar (a long tube), then he cleaned my uterus with some stuff. Then he called for the embryos. They come right from the lab to my uterus. So when the embryologist brings them in she, the nurse, the dr. and Tim all watched. I just layed there and waited. Then the embryologist takes the tube the embryos were in and checks them to make sure they got all them in. Then we just wait for 15 minutes. After that I went into the car and layed back to go home. And since then I have been laying on the couch. I am a little bored but okay. I did get up to eat diiner. But now I have cramps, I think because the Aleeve is wearing off. I can take two more in a few hours. I go back on July 11th at 8 am and I will know something that afternoon. So the wait begins.......

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tomorrow is Transfer Day!

I cannot beleive we are almost there! We have been at this since May 27th and it is now July 2nd. My appoitment is tomorrow at 2pm. I am anxious and nervous. I actually don't know what to feel at this point. I don't want to jinx anything. I will be off my feet on bedrest for four days. Hopefully they will go by fast. My goal is to get my blog up and running by the end of the weekend. More to come.......