Friday, November 21, 2008

Why I haven't Posted-Your Questions Answered

Most of you don't know, but 2 weeks ago I went to the high risk OB for my regular check. The Dr. thought he saw something on the ultrasound that could be a mild case of Spina Bifoda. He suggested I get an amnio. So immediatly I agreed. Well I didn't know they do it right then and there! But it was not bad. An amnio is where they stick a long needle in your belly through the sac to pull the amniotic fluid out. Since I am having twins, I got to do this twice! That fluid tells you everything! They take two big viles out of this fluid. It was not painful. I had a little cramping when they were doing it. Oh yeah I got to watch them do it to, there is no curtain. Luckily I am not afraid of needles. Then came time to wait......It takes 10-14 days to get the results. The Dr. said depending on the severity would depend on what they would do. My OB said that they would not deliver them early because once you deliver one you have to deliver the other one. So that was out of the question.

Wednesday I got the call! All the results came back OKAY!! They tested for any chromosomal defects, such as Downs, and that was normal. The Spina Bifoda test came back normal as well. We are both so relieved! One question I want to ask the Dr. is if they can tell whether either of these babies will have the birth defect that Sarah has. I am not sure if that can be tested or you just wait until the babies are born. Her Dr. said he has never seen a sibbling with the same problem. But there is a 3% chance.

So that is the reason why I did not post anything. I wanted to be sure before I posted it. All is good. I am feeling a little funky today but I am sure it is just the day. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

so scary! and wonderful news! I am glad things came back fine!
getting closer!